“Y Llwyd” on radio and on stage
Bydd record newydd Ynyr Llwyd yn cael ei rhyddhau ar Orffennaf 29, ac am y tro cyntaf fe glywir band newydd Ynyr arni, a elwir (yn gyfleus iawn) ‘Y Llwyd’. “Ges i syniad o roi enw i’r band a fyddai dal yn reit debyg i fy enw i fel artist, felly dwi’n lwcus iawn fod gen i enw a oedd yn caniatau hynny!” meddai Ynyr.
There will be a new record released on July 29 by the songwriter Ynyr Llwyd, and for the first time it will feature Ynyr’s new band, called (very conveniently) ‘The Grey’. “I got the idea of giving the band a name that is quite similar to my own name as an artist, so I’m very lucky that I have a name that allowed it!” said Ynyr.
The new band can be heard live for the first time in a series of performances during the National Eisteddfod.
Catalogue number ARAN704
Release date: 29/2013
Supporting the Bandana
On the first Saturday, they will support The Bandana in The Welsh Language Society opening night. In the Pavilion on Thursday they share the stage with Bryn Fon, and then they can be heard on the Main Performance Stage on the Eisteddfod Field at 1pm on Friday.