Ffrindiau’r Wyddor

Come to sing and play with.... Ffrindiau’r Wyddor (Alphabet Friends)

Here is a great CD for young Welsh learners!! A collection of songs that introduce the letters of the Welsh alphabet in a light, simple and fun style. Each letter is associated with a certain character and the melodies and the words together with the colourful accompaniments combine to produce an exciting way for children to learn the entire alphabet. There is also an opportunity to listen to the songs without the words. This provides the opportunity for movement, dancing and other creative tasks. The children can sing the songs either individually, in groups or sing along with family, friends and teachers.

Ffrindiau'r Wyddor CD cover

with Dewi Pws, Siân James, Emyr Gibson and Elin Llwyd

As this is a mixed media CD, it can also be placed into a computer, where the CD-ROM portion provides access to copies of all the words and the music.

The words and music were written by Gwenfydd Williams during her time as an Early Years Teacher at Ysgol Dewi Sant, Rhyl. The children were always singing, moving, dancing and having fun and Gwenfydd recalls that it was an excellent way of teaching Welsh, especially for children who were learning Welsh as a second language. The children were always expressing themselves through the music and remembered the sounds of the letters by playing and singing along with the characters from the songs. The songs were then used to create a wider “Ffrindiau’r Wyddor” project where stories were added to the songs. By now this project is used in schools across Wales to develop language and literacy skills in the Foundation Stage

Before her retirement Gwenfydd was an Advisory Teacher with the Foundation Stage Team for the county of Denbigh. She’s convinced that teaching through play, movement, taking part and having fun is a fundamental part of each child’s development. What better reason therefore to rerecord these songs using all the facilities a modern studio has to offer.

1. Arthur yr Arth              
2. Ben Broga                 
3. Cledwyn y Clown
4. Chwit-Chwat Chwilen
5. Daniel Draenog
6. Y Ddraig Ddel
7. Elis yr Eliffant               
8. Falyri y Falwen            
9. Ffion y Fflamingo
10. Gari Gorila
11. Fy Ngafr
12. Henri Hipo
13. Iola’r Iar
14. Jim Jiraff
15. Lowri Lindys
16. Llywelyn y Llew
17. Mici’r Mwnci
18. Neli Neidr ydw i
19. Olwen yr Octopws
20. Penri y Parot
21. Brenhines ydy Phyllis
22. Robin Robot
23. Rhodri Rhino
24. Sali Seren
25. Sioncyn bach y gwair
26. Twm Teigr
27. Bore da Thelma
28. Urien yr Udfil
29. Wil Wirion
30. Ynyr yr Ysgyfarnog